Woodland Walk
Over the last few weekends, I’ve been for a few walks with family, to the woods. It’s a great time of the year for it. At this time of year he low golden sun comes through the trees in the late afternoon and creates a fleeting magic. One of my favourite things to photograph has always been evening sunlight on trees. It may only last a minute or so, but when you’re there for that moment, it’s special.
When you think about everything that had to come together for that moment to happen: the Earth being on just the right angle on it’s 584 million mile path around the sun. The seasonally unpredictable weather being clear enough to allow the sunlight to complete it’s 93 million mile journey unhindered. The countless variables of your day allowing you to be there at that one, precise moment to witness it. All of these things came together and you may be the only one out of 7 billion people to witness it it. That moment was yours alone. Magic.